Arrangör: Infoglue-supporten och Kommunikationsavdelningen. Kontaktperson: David Naylor. E-post: Infoglue-kursen för redaktörer och webbplatsansvariga ges nu som självstudieövningar med ett uppstartstillfälle och ett avslutningstillfälle.


I am Team Leader for Team System Support. We work with the InfoGlue (IG), MP, GLIS and ELN, Symphist, Ladok and Selma, Sesam, Email and Exchange systems. Mainly, we take care of more complex issues within these systems. E-mail master we have in our team. Change Management is included in the team.

In addition to our extensive online support we offer courses and workshops as well as direct support for our WPA's. A template for department websites at Uppsala University. 2021-3-31 · Infoglue is a tool for the web, a so called Web Content Management System (WCMS or CMS for short). A CMS is used to separate design, structure and content. This separation provides a way of working with web pages where knowledge about html and web programming isn't needed. 2021-3-29 · Please contact for help with technical issues regarding Infoglue. (When possible, use the “Ask/report” feature available in the menu at the top right of the Infoglue window.) Please contact for help … infoglue Support Requests Brought to you by: bogeblad , bogeblad2 , ssik 2021-2-2 · Infoglue User Support is part of the IT Division at Uppsala university.

Infoglue support

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Tillgänglig-heten är till stor del inbyggd i InfoGlue. Det du behöver tänka på är: Konsekvent och korrekt rubrikhantering Vettiga texter i rubriker och länkar så de även förstås ryckta ur sitt sammanhang (»out of context«) Har du frågor kring nedanstående, kontakta supporten för Infoglue på e-postadress Vi levererar en påbörjad webbplats som innehåller: Gemensam design* + text-, länk-, bild-, video- och bilagehantering InfoGlue: webbpublicering, grundkurs. InfoGlue är det publiceringsverktyg som används för Medarbetarportalen och Studentportalen.

I am Team Leader for Team System Support. We work with the InfoGlue (IG), MP, GLIS and ELN, Symphist, Ladok and Selma, Sesam, Email and Exchange systems. Mainly, we take care of more complex issues within these systems. E-mail master we have in our team. Change Management is included in the team.

Most users will only use the Edit-On-Sight interface. There are also two kinds of authorization: Writers (skribent): - can only access the EOS interface - can only edit existing pages Kvarstår ändå frågor ska redaktörer naturligtvis kontakta CMS-supporten. Precis som tidigare prioriteras i första hand ärenden som berör verksamhetskritiskt innehåll som syns för våra externa besökare.

Key features includes full multi-language support, excellent information reuse between sites and extensive integration capabilities. A dynamic visual page builder ensures that also templates can be reused by non technicians and the latest release also supports advanced workflows as well as very detailed access control both internally and externally.

På webbpublicerings sidor i Medarbetarportalen hittar du riktlinjer, instruktioner och annat som har med webb att göra. Där kan du också hitta svar på en del av dina frågor. Datum: 25 maj 2021, kl. 10.00 – 12.00. Plats: Zoom. Arrangör: Infoglue-supporten och Kommunikationsavdelningen. Kontaktperson: David Naylor.

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Infoglue support

Läs mer om detta nedan. Inledningsvis trodde vi att felet innebar att trafiken inte kategoriserades som att den kom från … Have en bruger i infoglue - se forrige guide 'Bliv oprettet som bruger i Infoglue' Skrive til I emnefeltet skriv ' ny i infoglue, adgang til undervisningssite' I tekst feltet skriv den mail du bruger til at logge ind i infoglue. + Our new web tool InfoGlue has two types of interface, fullediting (CMS) and Edit-On-Sight (EOS). Most users will only use the Edit-On-Sight interface.

10.00 – 12.00. Plats: Zoom.
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system såsom Ladok, TimeEdit, Canvas, NYA samt systemet InfoGlue. Du har en utvecklad känsla för service och tycker om att tidvis arbeta i högt tempo.

Webmasters report issues to: 2008-9-17 · 原创 Infoglue结构 1.Content tool管理内容,比如页面某个局部的内容,是用类似word形式编辑的. 这些内容提供给Structure tool中的sitenode使用.还包括Component,也是供给Structure tool中的sitenode使用,每个sitenode包含多个component2.Structure Tool直接管理网站界面和内容,由一个个sitenode构成,每 … 2021-4-8 · The Centre for Tourism forms a cross disciplinary research platform in close collaboration with the tourism industry. The mission is to initiate, develop, and support increased knowledge development and professionalisation within the tourism field. … 2020-9-24 · Our department comprises all the languages taught at the Faculty of Humanities, with the exception of Swedish and the other Nordic languages. We offer courses and pursue research in the major European languages as well as in languages that are more distant from … 2021-4-8 · Eight COVID-19 projects led from Gothenburg with support from SciLifeLab Published 12 May 2020.

2021-3-31 · Infoglue Support. This web site is created for those of you working with Infoglue at Uppsala University. In addition to our extensive online support we offer courses and workshops as well as direct support for our WPA's. A template for department websites at Uppsala University.

Arrangör: Infoglue-supporten och Kommunikationsavdelningen. Kontaktperson: David Naylor.

The mission is to initiate, develop, and support increased knowledge development and professionalisation within the tourism field.